Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program

A Good Idea


The Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP) is a voluntary program that forms partnerships with pesticide users to reduce the health and environmental risks associated with pesticide use and implement pollution prevention strategies.

While government regulation can reduce pesticide risk, PESP is guided by the principle that, even in the absence of additional regulatory mandates, the informed actions of pesticide users reduce risk even further. Based on this principle, membership in the program is completely voluntary.

By joining, organizations pledge that environmental stewardship is an integral part of pest control, and they commit to working toward pesticide practices that reduce risk to humans and the environment. Members take a strategic approach to risk reduction and undertake specific, measurable activities toward achieving their risk reduction goals.

Goal / Mission

The goal of PESP is to reduce the health and environmental risks associated with pesticide use.

Results / Accomplishments

New members include Clark Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. and Elk Grove Park District. The EPA offers strategy guidance to help members think about risk reduction in a consistent, goal-oriented way, measure their progress, and achieve their goals.

About this Promising Practice

US Environmental Protection Agency
Primary Contact
Stephen Morrill
Environmental Protection Agency
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460
Environmental Health / Toxins & Contaminants
US Environmental Protection Agency
Date of publication
For more details
Additional Audience
Pesticide Users