Central Oregon Shots For Tots

An Effective Practice


In 1998 Deschutes County ranked 35th out of 36 counties when assessing up-to-date immunization criteria for 0-2 year olds. In response, Central Oregon Shots For Tots clinic program was created to increase the county's immunization rates. The Deschutes County Health Department (DCHD) recruited and trained medical volunteers to administer the immunizations and local Rotary clubs recruited volunteers to organize the clinics. The frst series of clinics was held in May 1999. Since that time, clinics have been held three times a year in each of the four communities in the county for a total of twelve clinics per year.

Goal / Mission

The primary goal of Shots for Tots is to increase public awareness and provide reliable opportunities to immunize 0-2 year olds.

Results / Accomplishments

To date, over 6500 children have been immunized at these clinics. In 2004 DCHD immunization coverage for 0-2 year olds was 70.6%, placing Deschutes County 11th out of 36 counties.

About this Promising Practice

Deschutes County Health Department
Primary Contact
Mindy Stromner, Immunization Coordinator
(541) 322-7400
Health / Children's Health
Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases
Health / Medications & Prescriptions
Deschutes County Health Department
National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Deschutes County, OR
For more details
Target Audience